“Is the Cause for Canonization open yet for Adele Brise?” This is a question that we hear quite often at the Shrine from visiting pilgrims. The answer to the question is “No, not yet.” However, this process is being discerned, and there are several things that need to be done before a Cause can be opened. One of those things is the drafting of the Libellus, which means “little book.” It is the document that is presented to the Bishop as a petition to open the Cause. This Libellus includes a short biography, writings or dictations, and a witness or testimonies to the life of the person of interest. If opened, this Cause for Adele would be considered an Ancient Cause because of the amount of time that has elapsed since her death. This makes the collection of witnesses and testimonies a bit more challenging, as there is no one alive who had direct contact with Adele.
In this situation, witnesses for the Cause would likely fall into one or more of the following categories:
- Descendants of Adele’s siblings or descendants of those who knew Adele, whose stories of Adele and her mission would have been passed down through each generation.
- Those who have received particular graces through the intercession of Adele, or those who have heard of family members, friends, or others who have received particular graces through the intercession of Adele.
- Those who have extensively researched the life of Adele and the history of the Shrine itself.
A Call for Witnesses
If you or someone you know falls into one of these categories, we would ask that you pray about sharing your witness or testimony of Adele. This is a critical component needed to open the cause! For those who discern to come forward, we ask that you simply send a letter via email or regular mail with your name, contact information and a brief summary of your witness or testimony to Adele’s holiness and life of heroic virtue.
As we assemble the list of witnesses (we will need about twelve), we may reach out to you if we need to clarify your information. If the Cause for Adele were to be opened, you would also be interviewed by the Postulator for the Cause, who is responsible for the overall process.
We ask for Adele’s intercession in bringing forth witnesses of her life – that her story may reach more souls and that her witness to Christ may bring consolation to those in need.
How to submit
Email: Please send to info@championshrine.org
Mail: Please send to 4047 Chapel Drive, New Franken, WI 54229