On the Road to Being an Everyday Saint
The call to holiness is for everyone, and God is inviting each of us to live a vibrant and full life in Christ – to be a Saint for our generation! This day-long youth day inspires and equips each of us to go from idleness to holiness. Are you ready to hit the road?
El llamado a la santidad es para todos, y Dios nos está invitando a cada uno de nosotros a vivir una vida vibrante y plena en Cristo: ¡a ser un santo para nuestra generación! Esta jornada juvenil, que dura todo el dÃa, nos inspira y nos equipa a cada uno de nosotros para pasar de la ociosidad a la santidad. ¿Estas listo para salir a la carretera?
Calling All High School Students!
Blessed Carlo Youth Day is only open to High School Students.
La Jornada Juvenil para el Beato Carlo solo estará abierta a los estudiantes de secundaria.
Date: Saturday, October 12, 2024
- 9:00 am – 5:30 pm @ The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion
Pricing: $20.00 per student and chaperone

Anticipated Schedule
Anticipated Schedule of Events
8:30 am ……………. Registration Opens
9:00 am ……. Welcome & Bl. Carlo 101
9:30 am …… Talk 1: Called to Holiness
10:00 am .. Reflection and Group Time
10:45 pm …………….. Rosary Procession
11:15 pm ………. Handling Speed Bumps
12 – 2:00 pm …………………… Free Time
Visit Eucharistic Miracles
Visit the Shrine Grounds
2:15 pm …….. Routes to Holiness Panel
3:00 pm ….. Jesus is Calling: Adoration
4:00 pm …………………………………. Mass
5:15 pm ……………………………….. Depart
Youth Day FAQs
Parish Resources
Questions related to travel or Blessed Carlo’s Youth Day?
Champion Shrine
Contact Kathy Ciha at kciha@championshrine.org
Diocese of Green Bay
Contact Tommy Nelson at tnelson@gbdioc.org or at 920-272-8285