Fathers of Mercy

“He was moved with mercy” – Luke 15:20

Fathers of Mercy

“He was moved with mercy” – Luke 15:20

At Home at the Shrine

The Fathers of Mercy is a Roman Catholic Congregation of Priests who are focused on preaching to parish missions and retreats. Founded in France in 1808, the Fathers of Mercy have a strong emphasis on the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Confession.

Since 2011, at the request of the Bishop of Green Bay, The Fathers of Mercy have staffed the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion and served its pilgrims through the Sacraments. Rev. Tony Stephens, CPM, serves as the Rector of the Shrine, with Fr. Nathaneal Mudd, CPM, and Fr. Michael French, CPM, serving as Chaplains.

Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM

Fr. Nathaneal Mudd, CPM

Fr. Michael French, CPM

More From Our Fathers of Mercy

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