Champion Shrine Blog
“Gather the children in this wild country & teach them what they need to know for salvation.” – Our Lady to Adele, 1859
Champion Shrine Blog
“Gather the children in this wild country & teach them what they need to know for salvation.” – Our Lady to Adele, 1859
Little Fasts Before the Feasts: An Introduction to Ember Days
By Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM Introduction The Church has always proposed spiritual practices of fasting and abstinence before a major feast of the Church. The idea of saying “no” to ourselves in small ways can bring great joy in our “yes” to feasting after the fast. Many Catholics are rediscovering
Your Guide to Celebrating the Jubilee Year Alongside Our Lady
By Champion Shrine Staff The Universal Church celebrates a Jubilee in the year 2025 and it is an incredible opportunity for the faithful to renew one’s life of prayer and receive special jubilee graces along their journey to our heavenly home. Many Catholics choose to participate in these opportunities for
Honoring the Epiphany – 5 Things to Know
By Fr. Anthony Stephens - CPM, Rector of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion "Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the LORD shines, and