Champion Shrine Blog
“Gather the children in this wild country & teach them what they need to know for salvation.” – Our Lady to Adele, 1859
Champion Shrine Blog
“Gather the children in this wild country & teach them what they need to know for salvation.” – Our Lady to Adele, 1859
Are You a Witness to Adele’s Holiness and Heroic Virtue?
“Is the Cause for Canonization open yet for Adele Brise?” This is a question that we hear quite often at the Shrine from visiting pilgrims. The answer to the question is “No, not yet.” However, this process is being discerned, and there are several things that need to be done
A Catholic’s Guide to Giving Tuesday
What is Giving Tuesday? You may have heard of Giving Tuesday and asked what is Giving Tuesday and why, as Catholics, we should take note of this relatively new social movement. Giving Tuesday, which takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, is an international day of giving that was founded
Highlights from the Inaugural Solemnity of Our Lady of Champion
The 2023 pilgrimage season finished with the long-awaited event of the year, the Solemnity of Our Lady of Champion, on October 9. October 7 started the weekend of f with the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary. We enrolled over 150 people in the Confraternity of the Most