Champion Shrine Blog2022-06-23T15:30:12-05:00

Champion Shrine Blog

“Gather the children in this wild country & teach them what they need to know for salvation.” – Our Lady to Adele, 1859

Champion Shrine Blog

“Gather the children in this wild country & teach them what they need to know for salvation.” – Our Lady to Adele, 1859

What is a Litany?

What is a Litany? The word litany comes from the Greek word meaning “supplication” or “petition.” From early times, the Church has incorporated litanies in her liturgies, such as the Litany of Saints during an Ordination Mass. Also, the Church has composed litanies for devotional purposes, such as the Litany

Covered Statues

Why do you see covered statues and crucifixes during the last weeks of Lent? The custom of veiling the images during the last two weeks of Lent hails from the old 1962 liturgical calendar in which the Passion was read on the Fifth Sunday of Lent (hence called “Passion Sunday”)

Giving Up Meat on Friday

By Rev. John Broussard, C.P.M. It has been a long-standing tradition in the Church that during the Fridays of Lent Catholics all over the world abstain from eating flesh meat products. Somewhat less well known is the fact that before the Second Vatican Council, Catholics also gave up meat every

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