A Celebration of Our Lady of Champion and Her Apparitions in Champion, WI!
Join us as we commemorate the Annual Solemnity of Our Lady of Champion every October 9!
In 2023, the National Shrine received word from the Holy See’s Dicastery of Divine Worship in Rome, confirming the Shrine’s ability to celebrate a Solemnity Mass of Our Lady of Champion on the grounds of the Shrine every year. This Mass with the rank of Solemnity will take place every year on the established anniversary day of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s 2nd and 3rd apparitions to Adele Brise!
Join the National Shrine, here on the grounds where the Queen of Heaven appeared, for the Annual Solemnity Mass of Our Lady of Champion every October 9. It’s a beautiful day to honor Our Lady of Champion and her hopeful message given to Adele in Champion, WI!
A weekend full of devotional opportunities leading up to the Solemnity!
For those looking to spend the weekend at the National Shrine leading up to the Solemnity on October 9th, there are multiple events that can further deepen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother on October 7th and 8th!
The National Novena to Our Lady of Champion begins October 1st and ends on October 9th. Sign up to receive the National Novena Prayers!

Anticipated Schedule of Events
October 7
Feast of the Holy Rosary
9:00 am ……… Gift Shop & Cafe Opens
10:00 am ……………………… Confession
10:30 am …………………………… Rosary
11:00 am ……………………………… Mass
12:00 pm …………… Rosary Procession
12:45 pm … Enrollment in Rosary Confraternity
1:00 pm ………………. Adoration Begins
2:00 pm ……………………….. Confession
3:00 pm ………. Adoration Benediction
3:00 pm ………… Divine Mercy Chaplet
4:00 pm ……… Gift Shop & Cafe Closes
7:00 pm .. Oratory and Grounds Close
October 8
Anniversary of the Great Fire
Featuring the Belgian Heritage Center
8:30 am ……..… Mass in Apparition Chapel
9:00 am ………………………. Gift Shop Opens
9:15 am … Confession in Apparition Chapel
10:30 am …… Rosary in Apparition Chapel
11:00 am ………. Mass in Apparition Chapel
12:00 pm …..… Adoration Begins in Chapel
12-5:30 pm ……..Belgian Heritage Programs
In Mother of Mercy Hall
12-5:30 pm …………… Belgian Lunch Served
Outside Mother of Mercy Hall
1:00 pm ….. Belgian Historical Presentation
in Mother of Mercy Hall
1:45 pm ……. The Fire from a Scientific Lens
in Mother of Mercy Hall
2:00 pm ………………. Confessions in Chapel
2:30 pm ….. Great Fire Story Re-enactment
in Mother of Mercy Hall
3:00 pm ….. Divine Mercy Chaplet in Chapel
3:30 pm …… Belgian Historical Presentation
(2nd Presentation)
4:15 pm ………The Fire from a Scientific Lens
(2nd Presentation)
5:00 pm …… Great Fire Story Re-enactment
(2nd Presentation)
6:30 pm ……………. Gift Shop and Cafe Closes
7:00 pm ….. Reading of the Miracle of the Fire
in Apparition Chapel
7:30 pm ………… Candlelit Rosary Procession
8 pm-7 am …………………. All Night Adoration
and Rosary on the hour
October 9
Solemnity Day
8:00 am ……….. Eucharistic Benediction
8:00 am ………… Gift Shop & Cafe Opens
10:00 am ………………………….. Confession
11:00 am …….. Gift Shop Close for Mass
11:00 am ………………….. Solemnity Mass
with Bishop David Ricken
After Mass ………………. Rosary Procession
After Mass …….. Gift Shop Opens Again
1:00 pm .. Anointing of the Sick (Optional)
1:30 pm ……………… Adoration Begins
2:00 pm …………………….. Confessions
3:00 pm ………… Adoration Benediction
3:00 pm ………… Divine Mercy Chaplet
4:00 pm ……… Gift Shop & Cafe Closes
Solemnity FAQs
Resources to Share
Photos from the Inaugural Solemnity – 10/9/2023
Questions related to the Solemnity of Our Lady of Champion?
Please Contact