What is a Rorate Caeli Mass?
This winter, the National Shrine in Champion will hold a special Advent Candlelight Mass commonly known as Rorate Caeli. While this Liturgy has deep roots within the history of the Catholic Church, the Advent devotion has somewhat faded in practice throughout the years. Recently, there has been a resurgence within the Church to honor and reintroduce the Rorate Caeli Mass to the faithful and reignite the beauty of our Church’s liturgical heritage. But what is it? Why was it originally celebrated? Below are some of your most asked questions about this cherished Advent devotion. What is a Rorate Caeli Mass? Rorate Caeli is Latin for “Drop down, ye heavens” and are the opening words of the Introit (which is an opening psalm or antiphon), coming from Isaiah 45:8. “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant
What is a Litany?
What is a Litany? The word litany comes from the Greek word meaning “supplication” or “petition.” From early times, the Church has incorporated litanies in her liturgies, such as the Litany of Saints during an Ordination Mass. Also, the Church has composed litanies for devotional purposes, such as the Litany of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. How is a Litany beneficial to my spiritual life, and why so many repetitive responses? Litanies can help us focus on a particular saint or virtue. For example, the Litany of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus stresses mercy and reparation. The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary focuses on the many titles of our Lady and how she helps specific groups or people, such as the titles: Queen of Families, Health of the Sick, Refuge of
IN THE NEWS: Marian Shrine Institutes ‘Shepherd Project’ to Pray for Each Individual US Bishop (National Catholic Register)
The shrine decided to “make it a part of our daily prayer routine: Include the bishops in our Mass intentions, and pray for them, their needs and intentions throughout the day. That evolved into our Shepherd Project.”
IN THE NEWS: Miracles, Prayer, Faith — A Marian Shrine’s Perfect Trio (National Catholic Register)
As divine answers to prayers and cures followed, the shrine now has the nickname of ‘Wisconsin’s Lourdes.’
PRESS RELEASE: The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help to Launch “The Shepherd Project” on May 1
The nationwide campaign invites the faithful to join the Shrine in praying for the bishops across the country.
Covered Statues
Why do you see covered statues and crucifixes during the last weeks of Lent? The custom of veiling the images during the last two weeks of Lent hails from the old 1962 liturgical calendar in which the Passion was read on the Fifth Sunday of Lent (hence called “Passion Sunday”) as well as on Palm Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week, and Good Friday. In the new liturgical calendar the Passion is read-only on Palm Sunday and Good Friday; although oftentimes, even in the new calendar, one will still see statues and crucifixes covered from the fifth Sunday of Lent until the celebration of the Easter Vigil. The Church has used veils to alert the faithful of the special time that we are in and approaching. When one walks into the church and
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