IN THE NEWS: Miracles, Prayer, Faith — A Marian Shrine’s Perfect Trio (National Catholic Register)
As divine answers to prayers and cures followed, the shrine now has the nickname of ‘Wisconsin’s Lourdes.’
PRESS RELEASE: The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help to Launch “The Shepherd Project” on May 1
The nationwide campaign invites the faithful to join the Shrine in praying for the bishops across the country.
Covered Statues
Why do you see covered statues and crucifixes during the last weeks of Lent? The custom of veiling the images during the last two weeks of Lent hails from the old 1962 liturgical calendar in which the Passion was read on the Fifth Sunday of Lent (hence called “Passion Sunday”) as well as on Palm Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week, and Good Friday. In the new liturgical calendar the Passion is read-only on Palm Sunday and Good Friday; although oftentimes, even in the new calendar, one will still see statues and crucifixes covered from the fifth Sunday of Lent until the celebration of the Easter Vigil. The Church has used veils to alert the faithful of the special time that we are in and approaching. When one walks into the church and
Giving Up Meat on Friday
By Rev. John Broussard, C.P.M. It has been a long-standing tradition in the Church that during the Fridays of Lent Catholics all over the world abstain from eating flesh meat products. Somewhat less well known is the fact that before the Second Vatican Council, Catholics also gave up meat every Friday of the year, not just during Lent. A common question that gets asked is, “do I still need to give up meat on Fridays every day of the year or did that change after the Second Vatican Council?” The answer to this question is: yes and no. In the current Code of Canon Law (the official “rule book” of the Church) it states: Can. 1250 “The penitential days and times in the universal Church are every Friday of the whole year and the
St. Bernadette and Adele Brise – Together for the First Time
By Chelsey Hare, Director of Communications For the first time ever, the relics of St. Bernadette are touring the United States, visiting parishes and communities coast to coast from April to August. As part of her relic tour, St. Bernadette is making a special stop in the Diocese of Green Bay from June 12-16 to visit St. Bernadette Parish in Appleton (June 12-13), Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in De Pere (June 14), and The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion (June 15-16). The Diocese of Green Bay will be the only stop for the relic of St. Bernadette within Wisconsin and its surrounding states. Since learning of the St. Bernadette’s national US tour, The Shrine has been joyfully planning for the Saint’s arrival in June. For the first time
Belgian Harvest Festival
Communities located in and around Champion, WI are part of one of the largest Belgian settlements outside of Belgium itself. In honor of Adele Brise’s Belgian heritage, the Shrine celebrates an annual Harvest Festival where it invites the community, local farmers, and vineyard owners to bring their first harvest of the season to the Shrine for a special blessing. First Saturday after Labor Day in September See Event

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