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Test Page2022-03-24T15:42:23-05:00

Marian Conference

Every year, the National Shrine hosts a weekend conference for pilgrims looking to learn more about the Blessed Mother - in the place where she appeared in 1859. The conference features known speakers and Mariologists from around the country and fosters an atmosphere for its attendees to encounter a deeper relationship with the Lord through His mother. May 01, 2022 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur condimentum, dolor non lacinia scelerisque, ante ex faucibus nibh, eu finibus tellus tortor eget urna. Vestibulum consectetur sapien nulla, eget auctor tortor pellentesque vel. See Event

May 17, 2022|Featured Events|

Walk To Mary

A pilgrimage experience like no other. Join thousands of people from all over the country as they gather for the annual Walk to Mary. Pilgrims begin at the National Shrine of St. Joseph and walk a 21-mile journey to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion. First Saturday of May See Event

May 17, 2022|Featured Events|

IN THE NEWS: Marian Apparitions From Around The World (Blessed Is She)

While hanging on the Cross and obtaining our salvation, our gracious Lord made the effort to turn our attention toward His Mother. In addition, He instructed her to behold His disciples as her own sons and daughters. While He is her first born, all of mankind is her second born. Christ commanded the fostering of this relationship from the Cross because there is a tie within it to the graces of salvation. As always, Mary was obedient to her Son. Viewing all of humanity as her beloved children, the Blessed Virgin is a perfect mother. She loves, supports, and encourages her children, respecting their free will, but also beckoning them towards all that is good, true, and beautiful: namely, her Son.

May 13, 2022|Newsroom|

Assumption Feast Day

One of Champion Shrine's longest-standing traditions! Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15. Join the Shrine as it continues its historic Mass and rosary procession led by our Blessed Mother. August 15th See Event

April 19, 2022|Featured Events|
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Product Requirements

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Market Viability

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Product Launch

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