Bl. Carlo Acutis Youth Day

Bl. Carlo Acutis Youth Day

Bl. Carlo Acutis Youth Day2025-02-27T15:33:04-05:00

When the infinite is our homeland, How do we get there? And who do we turn to?

This youth day, inspired by Saint-to-be Carlo Acutis, will give our young people the strength they need to reach their true home and to navigate the forces of False and True Hope. Heaven has been waiting for us forever. It’s time to start preparing now!

Esta jornada de la juventud, que dura todo el día, inspirado en el futuro santo Carlo Acutis, nos dará la fuerza que necesitamos para llegar a nuestro verdadero hogar y combatir las fuerzas de la Esperanza falsa versus la verdadera. ¡El cielo nos ha estado esperando desde siempre, así que es hora de empezar a entrenar ahora!

Calling All High School Students!

Blessed Carlo Youth Day is only open to High School Students.

La Jornada Juvenil para el Beato Carlo solo estará abierta a los estudiantes de secundaria.

Date: Saturday, October 18, 2025

  • 9:00 am – 5:30 pm @ The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion

Pricing: $20.00 per student and chaperone

  • Registrations Opens September 1 and Closes October 3, 2025. Limited seating available!

Guest Speakers

Check back soon for our 2025 Speakers!

Anticipated Schedule

8:30 am ……………. Registration Opens
9:00 am ……. Welcome & St. Carlo 101
9:30 am ……………… Talk 1: False Hope
10:00 am .. Reflection and Group Time
10:45 pm …………….. Rosary Procession
11:15 pm ………………. Talk 2: True Hope
12 – 2:00 pm …………………….. Free Time

Visit Eucharistic Miracles
Visit the Shrine Grounds

2:15 pm ……….. Vocation as Rocket Fuel
3:00 pm ….. See the Infinite: Adoration
4:00 pm ……….. Taste the Infinite: Mass
5:15 pm …………………………………. Depart

Youth Day FAQs

Who is Blessed Carlo Acutis?2023-02-28T14:59:58-05:00

Carlo Acutis (3 May 1991 – 12 October 2006) was an English-born Italian Catholic youth and amateur computer programmer, who is best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles around the world and cataloging them onto a website that he created before his death from leukemia. He was noted for his cheerfulness, computer skills, and deep devotion to the Eucharist, which became a core theme of his life. He was beatified on 10 October 2020, two days before the 14th anniversary of his death.

I’m coming from out of town. Where can I find lodging?2024-01-26T12:16:21-05:00

Coming out of town for this youth day? Visit our Lodging page for recommendations near the grounds of the National Shrine.

As you continue to plan your trip, see below for additional planning resource pages related to traveling to Wisconsin, What to know about visiting Champion, and other nearby attractions.

Helpful Tools:

Any questions can be directed to our pilgrimage planning coordinator at 920-866-2571 ext 113 or

Parish Resources

Bl. Carlo Acutis Day is Supported By:


Questions related to travel or Blessed Carlo’s Youth Day?

Champion Shrine
Contact Kathy Ciha at

Diocese of Green Bay
Contact Tommy Nelson at or at 920-272-8285

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